Lenox Ed prepares your child for what’s to come
We help students navigate school classes, college applications, and even prestigious academic competitions. Our annual mentorship packages, skills-based classes, and individualized tutoring will take your child’s academic story to the next level.
New Students
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Current Students
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Please contact us or consult the FAQ section at the bottom of this page for an in-depth look at our application and registration process.
Group Classes
Private Tutoring
Elementary School Package
Middle School Package
9/10th Grade Package
College Counseling
Private School Applications
Transfer Student Package
Graduate Student Package
Corporate Training
Yes, each week most classes have one or two makeup classes that you can attend before the next class week begins. Remember, the class week begins on Fridays, so plan your make-up classes accordingly. (Ex: You miss your Friday Writing class, but you can attend the Monday Writing class that week, which will be covering the same material, to make up the class). However, Communication & Leadership classes DO NOT have makeup classes. If you are going to miss an entire week of classes, we will give a 1-1 meeting to answer your homework questions and present topics discussed in class.
Homework is posted on Canvas where students and parents can access the student’s work and grades. For writing class, Lenox Ed teachers give live feedback and comments on Canvas assignments that are viewable by the student and parent.
Students should have their own Schoology account with their username and password memorized (We do not have access to your password, but it can be reset via Schoology). They will also need a notebook and blue pen for note-taking. Follow-up question: Does it have to be a blue pen? Miss Beverly prefers students to use a blue pen because studies show that the blue actually enhances memory while taking notes.
There are usually around 10 students in each writing class. Other classes may vary, depending on the semester. Math classes are usually 3-5 students.
Lenox Ed has students from 8 countries and numerous US states. To best serve all our students from different areas, we offer our services online through the Zoom meeting platform. We have also found that teaching writing online is more effective than in person because students are able to all see each other‘s work and make comments on it, and students are able to see the comments teachers make on students’ work. That is not possible in an in-person classroom setting without the students being on Zoom while they’re in the classroom. Our online course designer was taught online pedagogy at Harvard, and we are the first tutoring center in our area to utilize our unique mix of advanced learning theories and cognitive science, especially cognitive psychology, to inform our pedagogy. We have seen the success of our efforts online: We have students at every Ivy and every top 20 and international equivalents, and we have students in every major prestigious private school in the country. We also have had several Lenox Ed students that were accepted to every private school they applied to, including Phillips Andover, Phillips Exeter, and Choate.
No, college counseling does not come as its own separate service. To receive college counseling, you must purchase a mentorship package. This is because each student is very unique in their story and capabilities. In order to best understand and showcase each student’s skill sets, we have to undergo a thorough process of developing their stories in essays and strengthening their applications. College counseling is more than essay revision, and our mentorship packages reflect the comprehensive services that will best prepare your student for their choice schools.